Friday, March 31, 2017


The word or adjective ADDICT is being generalized by most people.
I, myself also thought that an addict is solely being addicted to drugs.
I was taught as a child that TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING is DANGEROUS.

We are all ADDICTS. We can only be addicted between two things: Good or Bad.
The choices are
A. Good
B. Bad

Some of us might think or ask,
“What if I’m left with only one thing,
does it mean I have no choice but to immediately do or choose it?”
The ANSWER: Whenever we are left with only one choice or task to do, the challenge there is to either JUST DO IT or DO NOTHING.
Do Good, receive blessings.
Do Bad, suffer punishments.

If you choose A-The Good
- Well Done. Continue. Remain to be a FAITHful and OBEDIENT servant of the LORD.
If you choose B-The Bad
-Better Luck Next Time. Try again or strive not to fail again. Doing a bad thing is a sin of commission.
If you think B is the only thing or option you have
-In Denial. Doing nothing is a sin of omission. Doing bad is just equal to doing nothing. You know what is good, but you did nothing but the bad things.
Stop pretending to be blind and could not see that there is The Good. Open your heart and mind. Seek the Good, The Truth and what is Just. Recognize and Appreciate all things and both sides whatever it may be, negative or positive.

Be an ADDICT of RIGHTEOUSNESS. It is by the ACT of Doing what is RIGHT and pleasing to our loving Heavenly Father.
Stop being an ADDICT of WICKEDNESS. It is like or close to the act of signing an advanced contract, stating that you agree to burn your soul while you and the entire body you have is still in your mortal state.

Is it good to be an ADDICT?
The real question is “What are you addicted to? Does it give a good benefit to everyone? Or in short, Does it benefit everyone?”
If it does not benefit everyone, it is selfishness. Selfishness because you only think of your own benefit and forget the rest of the living creatures here in this world.

Sister Rocha
